Indonesian Coconut Steak w/broccoli and kimchi |
One change from the book I have been able to do a pretty good job of sticking with is carb reduction. Used to be we ate a pretty typical meat/carb or starch/veggie at dinner, and I've found it very easy to do 2 veggies (usually one fermented) and a sald (plus a good sized portion of meat, of course) instead! As a total carb addict, that's a pretty big step for me! In the picture above I've got Indonesian Coconut Steak from the EFLF book (the book has you mix the coconut in, but then it gets like gray and icky looking- I find it more appealing garnished on top), some lightly cooked broccoli with a little pastured butter and salt, and some delicious fermented kimchi. I also had a big salad with the Asian style dressing out of EFLF. When I first started doing the curries and stir fries out of the book, I thought that I would really miss the rice that I would typically serve it on top of, but adding in the extra veggies and salads really fills us up!
Oh, I'm getting back to tracking food on, so hopefully that will help me do some more regular updates!